Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Guavas are here!

Guava-Passion Fruit Popsicles!

Our guava tree just started bearing guavas, so we are in the throws of harvesting. Guava is one of our favorite fruits to use in recipes. It adds such a nice texture and flavor to all things! Today we decided on making Guava-Passion fruit Popsicles. To make your own version of this popsicle follow the recipe below. We recommend using fresh guavas and passion fruit. You can replace the passion fruit with a variety of other fruits including pineapple, apple, mango, or lychee.
Come out to Art Walk this weekend and taste the new flavor as well as the other delightful pop-cycles we have been freezing all week.

Guava-Passion Fruit Popsicles Recipe:


  • 1/3
  •  cup water
  • 1/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice, divided
  • 7 to 8 ripe passion fruits (about 11 ounces), halved
  • 1 11.5-once can guava nectar (about 1 1/2 cups

Ingredient Info:

Choose passion fruit that is wrinkled on the outside, which indicates that the fruit is ripe.

  • Preparation:

Combine 1/3 cup water, 1/4 cup sugar, and 1 tablespoon lime juice in small bowl; stir until sugar dissolves. Using spoon, scoop flesh from passion fruits into sugar mixture. Strain mixture through fine-mesh strainer into small bowl; press on seeds with rubber spatula to extract as much liquid as possible (you will need 1 cup strained liquid); discard seeds in strainer.
Divide passion fruit mixture among eight 3-ounce paper cups (about 2 tablespoons for each). 

Stretch plastic wrap tightly over top of each cup, covering completely and securing each with rubber band. Insert ice pop stick or lollipop stick through plastic wrap and into mixture in each cup (taut plastic will hold stick in place). Place cups in muffin pan, tilting cups at angle. Freeze until passion fruit mixture is set, about 3 hours.

Meanwhile, stir guava nectar, remaining 3 tablespoons sugar, and 1 tablespoon lime juice in 2-cup measuring cup until sugar dissolves. Chill mixture until cold. Remove cups with frozen passion fruit mixture from freezer; stand cups upright in muffin pan. Peel back some of plastic wrap on each. Pour guava mixture atop frozen passion fruit mixture in cups, dividing equally. Cover with plastic wrap, secure with rubber band, and freeze until firm, at least 4 hours.

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